H360 Global Predictive Healthcare



Minimize risks & make informed decisions with our scalable and cutting-edge pre-emptive & predictive solution. Gain actionable insights hidden in the volumes of structured & unstructured healthcare data.


Detect potential warnings through its sophisticated machine learning data algorithms.
Stratify risk, discover patterns and predict warnings signs of serious diseases through our AI and the Internet of Things (IoT) driven solution.
Penetrate the different spheres of your healthcare services with absolute certainty through our data driven service.

 Built on top of our SaaS Telehealth Platform, the predictive analytics solution is a unified cloud-based solution that combines business intelligence & predictive analytics to provide visualization and prediction. It integrates natively with our many healthcare solutions and services.


We help organisations to make sense of the large volume of data and create actionable insights.

Predictive Models

Our predictive models – to generate predictions & forecast events – are customizable as per the needs of the business and the historical data.


We fine tune the predictive model, check its performance and refine data quality before deploying it in production.

Our Analytics Offerings

Here are a few sample dashboards that we believe can provide meaningful and actionable insights to better operate your businesses and serve patients. Need additional reports? You can choose from an array of “out-of-the-box” dashboards to help you get started or we customise them as per your need.

Risk Scoring

It leverages the capability of predictive analytics on risk score creation based on patient-generated health data, lab reports etc. The platform provides data connectors to a wide range of data sources to help health providers & organizations to generate insights, triage and identify individuals with high risks of developing chronic conditions.

Re-admissions Risk Dashboard

The Readmission Risk Dashboard stratifies the readmissions risk, using color codes, for all patients in the hospital. Backed by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), the solution generates early warnings and alerts when a patient’s risk factors indicate a high likelihood for readmission within the 30-day window.

Predicting Clinical Events

Data analytics can help providers react as quickly as possible to changes in a patient’s vitals, and may be able to identify an upcoming deterioration before symptoms clearly manifest themselves to the naked eye. 

Data Security

The adoption of sophisticated algorithmic defenses such as machine learning & artificial intelligence in the platform enables you to monitor patterns in data access, sharing, & utilization to give organizations an early warning when something changes – especially when those changes indicate an intruder may have penetrated the network.

Care for at-home patients

The platform provides a Predictive analytics Dashboard to care teams to monitor patients outside the hospital settings such as home. The teams can determine risk levels and make an appointment plan or provide appropriate preventative measures to reduce hospital readmissions or backsliding into a need for acute care.


Supporting decision making & intervention.

Identify Trends & Patterns for valuable insight.

Achieve data-driven evidence-based decision making.

Predict future outcomes & behavior.

Reduce risk and detect a disease early on.

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